In any facet of life, stress is bound to appear. Perhaps one of the most common stressors in life is that in the workplace. Whether it’s conflict with others or work is just a little overwhelming, there are many ways to handle these stresses.
Handling Workplace Conflict
One of the biggest contributors to workplace stress is conflict in the workplace. No matter where the conflict has arisen, there are many ways to deal with this. For starters, take time to understand how you feel. Breaking down the issue can help you really see what the problem actually is. Think about what made you upset, why did it make you upset, where is that feeling coming from? Sometimes, our emotions can contribute to creating a problem when there really didn’t need to be one. Once you’ve taken the time to cool down and understand what the problem is, it’s time to have a conversation with the other party. Shifting your language in an argument can really help the conversation go more smoothly. Instead of saying “You did X,” replace those sentences with I statements. “I feel X because of Y.” When you use statements that start with You; they push blame onto others and usually create a negative, or defensive, reaction from others. Be sure you are truly listening, not just hearing, and that you are listening to listen, not react. As the conversation flows, ask questions to clearly define the future and how to revolve this argument. A couple helpful examples include, “How do you want to move forward?” or “What does that look like?”. Asking these open-ended questions can lead to better resolution and help to avoid conflict in the future as everyone now has set expectations or a better understanding. Keep in mind that communication is a two-way street and that it’s important to recognize their viewpoint and work together to come to a solution.
How to Deal with Other Stressors
There may not be any conflict between others in the workplace, but there could still be aspects to work that are stressful to you. First off, perhaps your workload is too heavy, or feeling extra hard for you at the moment. One way to try to deal with this is by talking to your manager. Be sure to discuss whether you need help, if the deadlines are unrealistic, or any other problems you may have. Another way to deal with your workload is by balancing your time better and being kind to yourself. Check that you’re dividing your time as it is needed by each task and that you’re really focusing on each task at hand. Also, sometimes our need for perfection, or just doing something well in general, can lead us to be more critical than needed. A task may be taking you longer because you are spending too long critiquing it. Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can and that is enough. Another common workplace stressor for some is feeling alienated at work. It’s important to connect with others. If you are having trouble, do not hesitate to reach out to your manager. Alternatively, your HR department may be able to help you find resources and ways to connect with others within the workplace. In addition to the aforementioned, breaks can be a powerful tool to mediate stress and increase motivation for the day. According to the Harvard Business Review, “taking longer breaks in combination with more frequent short breaks can provide more energy, motivation, and concentration than infrequent short breaks.”
Even if our workplace environment isn’t causing us any conflict, the workload itself, or even the job you are doing, can still be stressful. Learning to deal with these “personal” stressors is important, too. To begin, and perhaps the most obvious start, is you need to be able to recognize what is causing you so much stress. Stress can cause all sorts of physical health problems like: headaches, insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, and much more. Pay attention to the signs your body gives you, if you have a hard time seeing when you’re stressed. A good way to help you figure out what is stressing you, is by writing down anything that has negatively affected you and your reaction to it. While you write down these stressors, consider asking yourself the following questions. One, “How did this make me feel?” Two, “What was my reaction?” And three, “What are some ways of resolving it?”. Keeping track of the signs of stress and learning what stresses you can help you find ways to counter, or lessen, stress in your everyday life.
Even when we know why something is stressing us, and what to do to fix it, it can still be difficult to manage stress. One good way to manage stress is ensuring that you really detach from work once you are home. Find something that engages you and forces you to think about that activity you’re doing instead of work. These things are often referred to as coping skills. Also, avoid dwelling on thoughts of work and distracting yourself with your phone while you do your activity. For some, using relaxation methods may work better as a coping skill. This includes things like meditation and breathing exercises. Something else that can be beneficial in getting rid of stress is reframing your thoughts. This is much easier said than done, but it can be extremely beneficial to you. An example of this is, your favorite coworker didn’t say good morning to you. You may jump to the conclusion that they are upset with you for whatever reason. Instead of accepting that instantly, look at the situation objectively. Maybe they had a rough morning or are going through something personal right now and aren’t really in the mood to socialize. As I often like to say, “perception is reality,” and the way you look at something is not always the truth. Retraining your brain like this is invaluable in the long run as it can help regulate your emotions, therefore minimizing stress. Finally, taking care of yourself physically is vital to stress management. Eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can greatly impact your mental health and thus cause you more stress if you are not doing okay. Remember, if anything feels overwhelming, it is okay to seek professional help! You are not alone and life is extra challenging for all of us at some point or another.
Stress Doesn’t Have to Take Over Your Life!
Through learning how to conquer your personal stressors and managing tough conversations with others, you are all set to navigate through stress in the workplace!